About Our Club

Who We Are

The Rainy River Valley Field Naturalists (RRVFN) is a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy nature, outdoor activities, and participating in stewardship activities to conserve and protect our natural environment.


Are you curious? Do you love being outside? Do you find yourself wondering about wild things you see? Does your curiosity take you on adventures? 

We’re your fellow wonderers, who will listen raptly to your tale of a cool spider or how you saved the bat from the downspout, or slog through some thicket with you trying to find a rare bird.

Club History

The RRVFN was formed in 1997.  The number of members has always been few, owing partly to the small population of the Rainy River District.  As a result the goals of the club have been modest, but, in spite of this, and our lack of funds, the club, with a dedicated group of members at its core, has organized and hosted the Great Lakes Odonata Society meeting in 2005, and, beginning in 2004, built and has continued to maintain the Cranberry Peatland Boardwalk, west of Fort Frances.

The club reached a crisis of sorts in the fall of 2019, when the future of the club was in some doubt. However, at a special meeting in November, the members were unanimous in wishing the club to continue, and agreed to redouble their efforts to attract new members, to hold fewer meetings, and instead, have more field trips and presentations.  To that purpose Ilka Milne organized a well-attended presentation in December about winter birds and the upcoming Christmas Bird Count.  In addition, new committees were formed, including Events, Newsletter and Cranberry Peatland committees, and a new website created.  We are looking forward with renewed focus to the exciting future of our club, the Rainy River Valley Field Naturalists.


Try something new.  Become a member!  Who knows what new adventures and discoveries you will have with like-minded individuals who may become new friends!  You will never know what you are missing unless you give us a try.

We meet several times during the year at the Alberton Municipal Office.  Meeting times are announced on the Upcoming Events page.  Non-members are invited to attend those meetings, as well as our field trips and presentations.

Family Membership                $40

Single Membership                 $30

Students                                        Free

see attached membership form for how to join and more information


About This Website

We have just begun creating this website, and it will be a work in progress for some time, as we continue to add content.  Come back from time to time to see what’s new.

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