RRVFN Meeting #121 Minutes

Place: Alberton Municipal Office

Time: 7pm, May 6 2019

Attending: John Pohanka, Terry Kawulia, Henry Miller, Mike Hammond, Henry Van Ael, Ahlan Johansen, Ilka Milne, Pat Basaraba, Bob Saunders, Fiona Ryle, Tony Elders

Approval of Minutes/Amendments from meeting #120 from April 8th.

Amendments where it was Ahlan who raised plastic issues and there was a spelling mistake. 1. Henry M. 2. Bob. Carried.  

Treasurer’s Report: The bank account has $2561.17  

1st. Ilka 2nd. Henry Miller. Carried.

Correspondence: ON Nature mags distributed, SAR under review, Ecojustice lost on neocotonids regulation. Dire news on biodiversity today- 1Million Species at Risk. MNR having open house soon on Crossroute Forest. Glyphosate and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma- is there a link?


Henry Miller wanted to get community involved in purple loosestrife management, or the Stewardship Rangers, but with kids under 18 a background check is required for supervisors. Henry had another idea for loosestrife but wasn’t ready to share details yet.

CPIT Report

We need an application for the Stewardship Rangers to be filled out if they are coming to work on the bog walk. Ilka could teach them something for their educational component but we need to pick a day. They could come in one day to fix the roof for the sign.

We plan to leave the weed whacker and broom and gas can at the Van Aels as its close to the bog. It requires 40:1 mix and we want a 2 week schedule to share the weed snipping duties.

We also need more gravel on the road. Logs are pushing through the road bed near the parking lot. The crushed rock we had dumped there needs spreading so Henry van Ael will bring his tractor to spread it out and will call Blair regarding the road.

On Sat May 11 Terry will bring sleepers, jack and switch the sign and send the application to Ilka.

Tales from Wild Side

Between 5am and 11pm Bob Saunders saw 73 spp of brids. We’ve noticed many snowshoe hares this year, Wood Pewees are here in good numbers. We discussed ebird and Merlin ID apps for phones and shared our owl survey results.


Action items

Ahlan- bring whipper snipper to Van Aels

Terry- get application to Ilka and change the sign

Henry Van Ael- call Blair re road and bring tractor to spread crushed rock

Ilka- do application

Minutes prepared by Ilka Milne

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