Alberton Municipal Building

Meeting # 123

Monday, January 20, 2020

Present:               Mike Hammond, Henry Miller, Pat Basaraba, Ahlan Johanson, Gaby Emond, Ilka Milne Henry Van Ael, Bob Saunders, Randy Spritt, Tanya Wilsen

Call to Order:     Meeting called to order by interim chair Henry Miller at 1832 hrs. Our 2 newest members were introduced to the group. Welcome Tanya Wilsen and Randy Spritt.

Minutes:              Bob Saunders made a motion to accept the minutes of Meeting # 122 (November 20, 2019), as previously distributed via email and read by Gaby Emond. Seconded by Ahlan Johanson


Treasurer’s Report:              Treasurer’s Financial Report (Henry Van Ael)

                              Henry reported that as of January 10, 2020, we had $2972.17 remaining in our account at RBC, and circulated the bank statements for all to view. Currently there are no outstanding bills except our annual membership fee with Ontario Nature (approximately $85) (an invoice has previously been received by Terry; Henry Van Ael will contact Terry to get the invoice and pay it). Ahlan made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as discussed, Gaby seconded.


Club Correspondence

                                There has been no correspondence received that we are aware of since our last meeting. All correspondence previously has been sent to Terry Kawulia, however he has not been in contact with any club members and we are unsure of his membership status at present. Henry Miller stated that all future correspondence should go to the secretary who will then bring it to the meeting. Gaby will check with Terry on this.

Committee Reports

a)      Blog/ Website: (Bob) Ilka and Bob have been diligently working on it, but did not realize how much work it really entailed and how confusing it was to set up, so it is not quite up and running yet, but hopefully very soon. Bob has paid and donated the fee for our initial 3 year term (Thank you very much Bob) and he states he has things all figured out and under control now. Please email him at bobsaunders01@gmail.com with ideas of what you would like to see included on it. (Bob has since asked for pictures of wildlife, plants, you enjoying our great outdoors etc. be emailed to him also, so he could use them on our website/blog in the future).It will be a ‘Read Only’ site with Ilka and Bob as the web managers.

b)      Special Events: (Ilka) The committee has not yet had a chance to plan out all the events for the year but are working on a “winter outing @ Bob’s” (see Old Business)

c)       Publicity: (Henry Miller) We did place 2 ads in the Fort Frances Times for the Bird Identification workshop, posters were distributed, and it was also mentioned in the Tuesday Bulletin before the workshop. The workshop and Christmas Bird Count were also advertised on the Fort Frances Public Library Facebook page which is a very valuable connection for any events we hold in the future. Another great idea was brought forth that we distribute the Cranberry Bog pamphlets to the Fort Frances Tourist Bureau this season.

d)      Bog/Boardwalk: (Ahlan submitted written report) It was decided that the ‘Tamarack’ sign that was vandalized last year should be replaced as it had been purchased with a donation from a community member. Gaby made a motion to spend the money to get the sign replaced, Henry Van Ael seconded motion, motion unaminously carried. Ahlan will get in touch with Terry to see who sponsored the sign originally and will place the order with the company who made them in Atikokan. Ahlan believes they originally cost $82.00 apiece. Multiple members again voiced that they would be happy to help with the start up jobs in the spring.

e)      Stewardship Council: (Gaby) The Stewardship Council had their meeting last week at which time elections were held. Fiona Ryle remains Chair, Tony Elders-Vice Chair, Kelsea Hunsperger-Secretary, and Chris Bodnar-Treasurer. Diana McGhee had her job reclassified and is no longer the ‘Partnership Specialist’ so will no longer be associated with the Stewardship Council nor the Stewardship Ranger Program. She together with Travis Rob (Town of Fort Frances) will continue with the Park Enhancement Project involving Lillie Avenue and Phair Avenue Parks through to completion summer 2020. The Stewardship council was successful in securing a “Trees Ontario Grant”. The trees are due to arrive in May and you can order yours in advance from Kim Jo Bliss if you’d like some. Their next meeting is February 11, 2020, a quick reminder that all are welcome to attend but please let Fiona know.

Old Business

a)      Tree planting: Henry asked the group who would be interested in planting trees with him. He would like to order 1000 trees from the Stewardship Council but does not wish to plant them all himself. Also, If any members know of a homeowner that would like some trees planted, let Henry know, and he will arrange it. Ilka said the Fort Frances Highschool will be planting trees again this spring as per norm and Gaby will be planting trees on her property as well. Several members expressed interest in helping Henry out depending on where and when.

b)      Winter Walk at Bob’s: Bob’s place was chosen for a winter outing as he has a lot of snowshoe and ski trails. February 22 was the date chosen with those interested to show up between 12:30-1pm. A potluck supper would finish off the afternoon and we would follow up with a walk and stargazing or a slide presentation, weather depending. All are welcome including partners and families. (Ahlan, Ilka, Henry Van Ael, Pat, Henry Miller, & Randy expressed interest so far)

New Business

a)      Owl Survey: The owl survey takes place in April, with the first 2 weeks being most desirable. It involves driving an already designated route and stopping at certain intervals to call the owls and listen and record which owls respond. We are in need of volunteers. Prior to April Ilka suggested we hold an ‘Owl Identification’ workshop which she would be happy to facilitate. Henry Miller will look at booking the Shaw Room at the Fort Frances Library on March 25th from 6-8 pm.                                                                                                                         

b)      Invasive Species: Henry Miller did speak with John Vandenbroek from the MNR re invasive species. He said at this time the MNR has no plans to spray. Purple Loosestrife is not considered to be a problem as it grows in the ditches. We have 3 species of Phragmites in our district with 2 considered to be invasive.. The Hybrid Cattail has been creating large dense floating bogs on Rainy Lake and Cuttle Lake. Mike suggested that Henry take us all out on a field trip to learn how to identify them and Ilka thought we should make a display board to set up around the District to educate the public. Henry arranged for more information regarding identification and control measures to be sent to our secretary to bring to next meeting.

c)       Our Constitution: Several members had looked at it prior and brought some changes forth. After some discussion and changes made, it was decided that Gaby and Ilka would work to compile it and forward it to the rest of the group for examination prior to the vote. Henry Miller pointed out that we should have a Vice President (as currently stated in our Constitution), so Bob Saunders made a motion to make Mike Hammond our Vice President. Ilka seconded the motion which was carried unanimously.

Tales From the Wild Side

                                Bob has had a bobcat at his place for the last 4 days eating the fat he has placed at his feeder for the birds. He shared some beautiful closeup pictures with the group. Mike reports that he has 2 packs of wolves roaming his neck of the woods(Frog Creek Rd), 1 pack of 7, and the other, a pack of 13. Henry Miller reported that a large black bear was shot and killed up by Ross’s Camp (Pipestone/ Clearwater Lake chain)recently after it aggressively attempted to gain entry into a home. It was thought to have woken up due to hunger as it was such a poor year for berries and apples this year.

Next Meeting: April 6, 2020 @ 6:30 pm, Alberton Municipal Office

Adjournment: Henry Van Ael made a motion to adjourn @ 2032 hrs.

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