Alberton Municipal Building
Meeting #128
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

 Present:   Ilka Milne, Henry Van Ael, Bob Saunders, Henry Miller, Mike Hammond, Randy Spritt, Ahlan Johanson and Lindsay Hamilton.  Attending virtually via Zoom were Phyllis Callaghan and Dale Callaghan.

Presentation:    Prior to the meeting Lindsay Hamilton, who we welcomed as a new member, gave a presentation about The Butterfly Way Ranger Project, of which she is the Ranger for Fort Frances. Currently in NW Ontario, there are only two other Butterfly Way Projects, in Sioux Narrows and Thunder Bay. The Butterflyway Ranger Project is a volunteer-led movement under the auspices of the David Suzuki Foundation. It is dedicated to establishing habitat for local bees and butterflies in communities throughout the country. Rangers are the public face of the Butterflyway Project in their communities. They get online leadership training and learn skills to influence and bring people together.  Each Ranger is tasked with organizing a small local team to help them plant at least a dozen pollinator patches. These patches can be of any size, from apartment balconies, backyard gardens, to long stretches of roadsides.  Lindsay’s motto is “start small, dream big”.  By adding habitat to parks, schools, boulevards and yards, the Rangers are helping to support the hundreds of species of wild bee and butterfly that pollinate fruits and flowers in our communities.

Call to Order:     Meeting called to order by club president Ilka Milne at 1920 hrs.

Agenda:               Bob Saunders made a motion to accept the Agenda as distributed. Lindsay Hamilton seconded.

Minutes:             Randy Spritt made a motion to accept the minutes of Meeting #127 (November 8, 2021), as previously distributed via email and shown to the members at the meeting.  Seconded by Henry Miller. Bob agreed to take over the role of Secretary for this meeting, as Gaby was unable to attend.

Treasurer’s Report:         Treasurer’s Financial Report (Henry Van Ael
Henry reported that since the last meeting there had been $580.12 deposited (Hat sales, $100.00; Memberships, $240.00; Donations, $240.00; and Interest $0.12).  $410.40 was withdrawn to pay Ontario Nature the outstanding balance for insurance.  We have $3113.33 currently in our account at RBC. Sincere thanks to Vance and Sallee Dyck and Phyllis and Dale Callaghan for their generous donations to the club. Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as discussed. Ilka seconded.

Old Business:    

a) Insurance policy through Ontario Nature update
Ilka noted that the outstanding balance of $410.40 owed to Ontario Nature had been paid in January, and that this year’s insurance had been prorated as of May 1. The cost will be $228.96.  In 2023 a payment of $275 plus taxes will be due February 28.  The insurance will cover liability for our trips but not liability for Board members.  A waiver will need to be signed by all people participating in a club field trip.

b)  RRVFN Hats and T-shirts
Ilka reported that the 6 more hats had not been ordered yet from Baker Graphics.  She described what the T shirts would look like, and would inquire about the price.

Committee Reports:

a)  Events

  1. Christmas Bird Count 2021
    Ilka told the group the CBC was successful, with 7 field observers and 13 feeder watchers reporting 30 species. Bob mentioned that the results had been posted to the Winter 2022 Newsletter on the RRVFN website. Ria McPherson saw a Gray Catbird during count week, and her photo of the bird was included with the newsletter.
  1. Proposed Events Calendar
    Last November the Events committee (Ilka and Bob) proposed a series of events for 2022, a combination of field trips, library and Zoom presentations.  Ilka created a poster showing the proposed events and showed it to the members. Owing to the ongoing COVID pandemic some of the events scheduled for the early part of the year had to be abandoned. During the meeting the group rescheduled some trips and Ilka will create a new poster, which will be available on the website (under the Activities section). She will lead a presentation at the Library on May 16, 2022 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on the Reptiles and Amphibians of the Rainy River District.

b) Publicity
Henry Miller reported that the Fort Frances Times had accepted several of his articles.  Ilka will send a notice to the newspaper about the upcoming presentation of Reptiles and Amphibians, and will place a poster in the Library.

c)  Bog/Boardwalk
Ahlan Johanson reported that that high water levels had prevented a thorough examination of the boardwalk this spring and signs can not be replaced until the water drops and frost has left the ground. When the signs were taken down for the winter last fall Mike and Ahlan noted that the boardwalk would need to be lifted in places.  Alhan also passed around to the members a schedule for volunteers to sign to do weed maintenance.
(The next day Bob visited the boardwalk. At that time the boardwalk was covered in two short sections by water 2-3 cm deep and at one spot near the lookout by ankle-deep water.  At the latter spot one board was floating free and 4 others had lifted up on one side).

New Business:

a)  Bluebird Project
Henry Miller requested that some time in the future if the club would be willing to take over his bluebird routes.  The club said it would when needed.

b)  Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas-3 progress update
Bob noted the Atlas is now in it’s second year.  Several owl surveys were completed during April.  The main surveys will occur from June 1 to July 10, which is considered the safe date to observe breeding evidence.  Before this period birds are still migrating north and may not be breeding here, and afterward, juvenile birds may be moving into the area from different squares.  The website was shown on the video screen, which had been made available to us for the Zoom presentation. Members were shown how to navigate it and how to register for the Atlas.  It was also noted that four members of the club would be doing a survey on the Behrens River beginning in late-June and extending to the end of the safe period in July.

c)  Discussion of Avian Influenza
 Bob discussed the recent outbreak of Avian Influenza,  where it originated, what it  was, how it is passed from one bird to another, and when this particular strain first appeared in North America.  He noted signs to look for.  While not harmful to humans he stated that it can have a devastating impact on domestic poultry farms. At present it is believed that AI is introduced into poultry operations not be direct contact with wild birds but by improper sanitation procedures by farm workers. Some people and organizations have suggested that bird feeders be removed for the present or at least be cleaned on a weekly basis. Bob noted that he had posted a report on Avian Influenza to the Spring 2022 Newsletter.

d)  Stewardship Ranger Request
Ilka mentioned that the Stewardship Rangers were available for projects that the club might be undertaking. It   was pointed out that there are several restrictions (forbidden to use power tools, for example) that make it difficult for the club to use the Rangers.

e)  Ontario Nature Annual Gathering Information
Ilka will forward information about the meeting to members interested in attending. Usually, these events are held far from the Rainy River District, making it difficult for members to attend.

Tales from the Wild Side:
Ahlan passed around to members stunning photos he had taken over the years of Trumpeter Swans and American White Pelicans. Bob showed videos and trail camera photos of a pair of Bobcats (mother and kitten) that took up residence in the area near his cabin during the winter

Next Meeting: Monday, September 12, 2022, 6:30 pm, Alberton Municipal Office

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2053 hrs.  Moved by Ahlan, seconded by Lindsay.                                                                                                   Carried…

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